Thank u for clicking the link, however you found it. This is just a little Easter egg for whoever clicked the link first, for whatever reason. This is just one brick, one single minty brick in stock until I have made a good amount. (I will be restocking this randomly till I have a good amount made, ty to the 17 people that did order, love u)
- 1 Roughly 5 Pound Minty Brick
- Number On Brick Indicating What # It Was Made
- My Signature (I feel lame signing them but its like a chefs kiss)
Please note:
This is handmade, so there could be some discrepancies between the actual product and product in the picture. No two bricks will be identical. Color, Weight, Size, Lettering (bubbles in the letters), and Bubbles (on the brick), can all vary. Nonetheless, I will only ship what I feel is mint, $25 is a lot of money, I want to give you your monies worth.